17 Apr 2014

7. Happy Easter!

And a very quick post before it's time for me to go to bed: HAPPY EASTER to all of you!

pics taken at .::Lost Island::.

Skin + Costume: HD Skin (in-world) ✼ Happy Easter Rabbit (Mesh) 0 L$
Necklace + Basket: PARADISIS (in-world) ✼ Daisy Choker + Egg Basket ✼ Easter hunt gift ✼ 0 L$
Legwarmers: Ayiki (in-world) ✼ Geek ✼ Easter hunt gift ✼ 0 L$

Last but not least:
We also found this super cute egg car for 10 L$ on the marketplace!

We had a little accident at first...

...but then we drove like a pro!


  1. Die Bilder sind ja klasse geworden, es freut mich das es Spaß gebracht hatte, man sieht es auch.......:) Frohe Ostern

  2. Ja, den Spaß hatten wir! *g* Danke, dir auch frohe Ostern! :)
